Blue Skies and Open Roads

My life behind the wheel

The Road Less Travelled March 13, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — blueskiesandopenroads @ 4:50 pm

I love winter camping…I think I have said this before, but its worth noting again! Winter camping is awesome. The fees for camping are lowered, if not free. The sites are empty except for a few troopers who had the same idea as I did. It’s lovely.

We went to Elwha last weekend with Jen and Sol-its in the Northeast corner of the Olympic National Park, and was just lovely. We got there Saturday afternoon and set up camp, spending the rest of the night drinking microbrews and eating delicious steak cooked over a fire. It was a good time.

Sadly, the park isn’t very dog friendly. Apparently, dogs are to cougars in the same vein that girl scout cookies are to me: Delicious. So we did short exploratory walks in the upper roads only to find that we couldn’t proceed further for the warning signs (Boo).

We headed back into town Sunday afternoon, got Chinese and hit the ferry home. It was a nice escape after a hard week, and I was able to relax a bit. After getting rid of my car and having to deliver hard news all week, it was worth the short excursion cost!


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